The wax printed poster - imagine it as 'glossy'... |
The set design. Stairs led to Duncan's bedrom in Glamis Castle. |
Scenery for the 'Blasted Heath' the fire pit was a metal grill over a steel deck frame and was lit from beneath, which was also where we put the smoke machine to create 'fog'. Banquo was dragged behind the raised steel deck (feet sticking out) and had her head bashed in (sound effect - sledge hammer and a watermelon!)... |
Interior Scenery - mainly around the extra piece of 4ft x 8 ft steel deck. |

The programme - due to a computer glitch was lost just before the print run, so this was knocked up on opening night and run off on the hall photocopier. It accidentally omitted the Elder and Younger Seywards, as well as the explanation of the post-apocalyptic setting. Fortunately everyone was very understanding about it.